Why Married Sex is the GOAT!

Sex in marriage, as God ordained, is the best because:

It creates safety

It brings unity

Your bond is strengthened

It builds connection

It comforts in difficult times

It honors God

It burns calories &

It emotionally connects

For so many, this is not the reality they live in. For so many, sex is met with frustration, confusion, trauma, shame, or past abuse.

We come bearing GOOD news. This was never part of God’s plan for your marriage. We believe and have seen God heal and restore sexual brokenness in many marriages. If you ever get the chance to attend a Bootcamp and meet Ann & Steve, you will hear Ann’s story of what she experienced at a young age and how that affected their marriage and sex life. We see couples find HOPE after hearing Ann & Steve’s story of restoration and healing.

For those of you who can’t get to a Bootcamp just yet, here are the cliff notes. Ann suffered abuse in her past which she carried into her marriage. For many years, she felt the weight of that trauma, and it impacted every aspect of their marriage. The weight of this trauma, coupled with different family origins, almost ended their marriage. BUT GOD. God began doing a deep work on Ann’s heart. He began to repair the deep and broken parts that only God can fix.

Steve began to work on himself, and that impacted the marriage. God invited him into a deeper walk. In that season, he learned how to pray, be patient, and pursue his wife. This restorative work did not happen in a few short weeks; it took years. Today, they speak and share their testimony at every Bootcamp and have a passion for seeing couples walk in freedom.

Ann and Steve have been married for 37 years. They have two boys, an awesome daughter-in-law, and a two-year-old granddaughter.

Their life is a testimony to God’s goodness and faithfulness.

If you find yourself in a hopeless place and wonder if your marriage and sex life will ever get better, yes it can!

We encourage you to take steps towards healing:

  • find a counselor or therapist

  • talk to a trusted friend

  • have the hard, uncomfortable, and vulnerable conversations with your spouse

  • advocate for yourself

  • do the hard work, you are worth it

To the spouses married to a trauma survivor. You are called to walk alongside your spouse and help them walk through healing and restoration. Do not put a time limit on it. Everyone’s healing journey is different. Don’t “should on” your spouse, ex. “You should get over this.” “You should not feel this way.” Your job is to listen; you don’t have to solve it. As a matter of fact, you can’t. Your spouse needs you to be present and available. As your spouse heals, ask God what He wants you to learn in this season.


Restoring Hope

Redeeming Stories

Building Strong Marriages


Put Sex on the Calendar


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